A lot of people ask me what there is to do on Grand Turk. First I would want to say that Grand Turk is not for those restless people that need to keep busy. Unless, you are looking for a real rest from that. That said, there are several things to do on Grand Turk, you just need to do a little research.
Grand Turk, being the capital of the Turks and Caicos, is rich with history. Their history evolved from the Taino and Lucayan indians, the theory that Columbus first landfall in the Americas was Grand Turk, history of pirates and Grand Turk's place in the salt industry.
If you love architecture or local folk lore you will enjoy taking a walking tour along the narrow walled streets. There are several antique buildings that line the main streets. Many of the antique houses bear plaques with their history and legends upon them. Another great place to explore the island's history is in the Turks and Caicos Museum, you'll find exhibits on the island's past as well as the environment and nature. It's an unexpected treasure.
Up on the north-east ridge of the island is a 150 year old light house. The government has created a little park there where you can walk down the cliffs along a dirt path to the sea. The vista is gorgeous, grass blowing in the breeze with the royal blue sea and white churning waves below. As you follow the path along the shore you will probably find bleached Sea Urchins, Sand Dollars and Starfish.
If you are an animal lover you might enjoy a horseback ride along the sea.
Chukka Horseback Riding will takes groups along the east shore of Grand Turk ending with a ride in the sea. A local man, Mubbles, if you can find him, may take you out. We hired him and his horses for a ride along the shore one lovely evening at sunset. I'm not sure if he is still offering horseback rides but ask around when you are there. Mubbles, (John) is also well know for his delicious conch and has been chef at several restaurants.
I would be negligent to not meantion Scuba Diving. Grand Turk is very well known for it's superb diving. It has been listed as one of the top Caribbean places to dive. I have heard many divers excitedly discussing their dives on the planes to and from Grand Turk. Many of the divers return again and again to explore the famous "Wall" and all it's inhabitants. Not to mention the fact that all this beauty is only a short 5-10 minute ride out. Something scuba divers really appreciate.
Grand Turk Diving,
Blue Water Divers and
Oasis Divers are all great dive operations, each having something unique to bring.
Several of the dive operations also offer outings and day trips. The Gibbs Cay outing is one of my favorites. The boat ride out to Gibbs Cay, an uninhabited island off the coast of Grand Turk, alone is enjoyable, seeing the gorgeous colors of the sea varying from deep royal blue to marine blue to turquoise, but then to arrive on a wonderful sandy beach to swim, snorkel, feed the ray and dive for fresh conch, which will be served for lunch. It's great fun to explore the island and just relax. The dive ops offer day trips too to Salt Cay and South Caicos so ask what they have going on.
Evening entertainment comes in different forms; the restaurants each offer at least once during the week, some form of entertainment. The Bird Cage on Duke St frequently has a night of music and dance with Mitch Rollings on the guitar accompanied by various local artists. You will probably find that 1 or 2 restaurants will offer a barbecue and a local band to enhance the Caribbean atmosphere.
Shoppers won't be left out of the mix. Though it may not be a shoppers paradise, you will find enough to keep your interest. Margaritaville, where the cruise ships come in, boasts a mini shopping paradise with shops from Jewelry to flip-flops. On the days the cruise ships come in there are a host of tiny colorful shops that open up down town, fun to poke around in. I was worried when the cruise ships started coming to Grand Turk but they have added a lot to the island with very little intrusion on the rest of the island.
For me, I love best to sit back on my own private veranda at
Crabtree Apartments and watch the birds, the dive boats and the constant changes of color. I even love to see the cruise ships go by at night all lit up like Christmas, mirrored in the black sea.
Though you won't find, parachuting, parasailing, casinos and gourmet restaurants on Grand Turk, you'll find plenty to do and lots of relaxation too.